Product Spotlight: The Senior Yearbook

May 27, 2020  •  1 Comment

I want to introduce you to one of my favorite products - the senior yearbook!  Have you thought about what are you going to do with all of those pictures you take on your iPhone of your friends from your senior year?   The Senior Yearbook is the perfect solution!  The Senior Yearbook showcases your senior year through your eyes with your friends, your events, and what’s important to you.  This book is made specially for your year, the way it happened, and the way you want to remember it.



The senior yearbook can hold up to 200 of your favorite images from your senior year and showcase events like homecoming, prom, clubs and events, graduation, time with friends, really ANYTHING that was as important part of your year.  You get to choose and I do all the design work for you.  You get to choose one of your favorite images from your session for the from and back cover.  A beautiful, durable memory book of your special year!  It's a great way to ensure those photos don't just live digitally on your phone and get lost over the years.  





Joseph Builder(non-registered)
Hello there, it was actually a really exceptional experience for me when I looked around your website. I just wished to compliment you on the quality of the work and to wish you all the best with it as you progress in the coming years. It was a pleasure to explore your website and I shall naturally be calling back again shortly to find out how you are doing. Thanks and I will doubtless see you here again very soon - Joseph Builder
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