Senior's Guide to the Portrait Perfect Face

February 24, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

The Senior's Guide to the Portrait Perfect Face:  Make Sure YOU are Camera Ready!

EXFOLIATE  Exfoliate with a physical exfoliator at least 2 days prior to your application session. It will help reduce dry patches and texturing. It will

also smooth your skin which will make your airbrush foundation apply smoothly to your face.


WASH AND MOISTURIZE Wash your face thoroughly before your session and apply a hydrating moisturizer. The foundation will apply more evenly if

your face is prepped and ready before any color is applied.


PRODUCTS TO AVOID Try to avoid using products containing salicylic acid at least 3 days before your appointment. It can leave your skin red and

extremely dry which can look patchy and textured.


BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WEAR  Be sure to wear a loose, light colored shirt with a large neck hole or a button up for easy removal after your

makeup & hair is done. You don’t want to smudge your face with your favorite shirt!


GROOM THE BROWS  Please GROOM your brows so they look clean! There’s nothing more messy than errant hairs! Do not have your eyebrows

waxed for at least a week before your session. It can cause a lot of redness and swelling. In some cases even some scabbing.


GET SOME SHUT EYE  Be sure to get a good night’s rest prior to your appointment.  There is nothing attractive about puffiness and bags under the

eyes. Apply some ice cold tea bags to your eyes if you wake up with any issues.



TANNING TIPS  Don’t tan in the natural sun or tanning beds for an entire 2 weeks before your session. You could appear really red or even burn.

Porcelain skin photographs best as it can actually reflect the light from our shoot beautifully!


LIP CARE  For the entire week before your session, use your toothbrush to brush your lips vigorously. Then apply Vaseline to your lips and sleep in it.

This will make your lips smooth and ready for lipstick. Chapped lips looks awful in camera (and let’s face it, in life too).


If you liked this blog post, be sure to check out Accessorize for Your Senior Portraits






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